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Scientific Exposition of Ayurveda


Author Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Publisher Chaukhamba Orientalia
Language English
Edition 2013
ISBN 978-8176373043
Pages 442
Cover Paper Back
Size 14 x 6 x 22 (l x w x h)
Item Code CO0229
Other Dispatched in 1-3 days


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Scientific Exposition of Ayurveda It is well known in mechanical physics that substomic particles, which constitute total matter in the universe, behave in orderly and predictable manner in larger masses. Newton has studied the mechanics of the larger bodies and has generalized their behaviour in the form of laws of newtonian mechanics. At the same time it is well known in quantum physics that it is impossible to predict the behaviour of individual sub-atomic particles, which have constituted the larger bodies. At quantum level, we can talk only in terms of probability as postulated by heisenberg’s principle.

Every sub-atomic particle is connected to every other sub-atomic particle in tune with newton’s law of gravitation for larger bodies, which states ‘every body in this universe is attracting every other body with some force’. Ayurveda believe in this fundamental connectedness and it’s synergism. Behaviour of a substance is synergic effect of it’s components, which neither of it’s components possess when present alone. It is also true about human body, disease drug and treatment in ayurveda.


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