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Shipping Information

Estimated time of delivery

  • Bharatiyavidya.com will ship the product within 1-3 working days of receiving the order online.Sometimes the goods are to be procured from outside sources, and in this case the dispatch may take 3-4 days longer than usual.On Sundays & Public Holidays no dispatches are made.

Delivery Charges

  • Delivery charges auto calculated as per weight.

Books Delivery though India Post

  • Bharatiyavidya.com ships its product through India Post. Only India post cover all pincodes in all over India, include Andaman-Nicobar and Lakyadeep Islands.
  • Usually the postal department is very efficient in timely delivery, but sometimes it takes longer than usual due to various regional or internal factors.
  • This is our responsibility to provide the customer’sconsignment number (tracking id). Customer will track consignment number on www.indiapost.com

Are there any hidden costs

  • Zero hidden charges when you make a purchase on www.bharatiyavidya.com. The prices listed are final and all-inclusive. Price mentioned against particular product is exactly what you pay.

Track my order

  • You will receive confirmation email with tracking number once your order is shipped. Log on to my account section of www.bharatiyabooks.com
  • Sometimes items in your order may fall out of stock while we are processing your order. In this event, you will receive an email notifying you of a delay. If you have other items in your order, they will be shipped as scheduled. We will continue trying to fulfill your order as quickly as possible. If the order is still out of stock 10 days after the first email is sent, you will be asked to approve a 7 Day Order Extension. If you do not approve the extension, this part of your order will be canceled within 24 hours. Remember, you can cancel your order at any time.
  • If your order cannot be fulfilled you will be given a full refund. If we are unable to supply a product, alternative goods will not be substituted without your permission.
  • In the unlikely event that your product is lost or damaged in transit please contact us in writing or by email.
  • If you have any queries regarding the location of your order, please mail us at [email protected] or call (+91 93368 45404)
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