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Kesha Soundarya Yogah


Author Dr. Raghavendra Udupa
Publisher Chaukhamba Orientalia
Language English
Edition 2013
ISBN 978-8176370776
Pages 52
Cover Paper Back
Size 14 x 2 x 22 (l x w x h)
Item Code CO0161
Other Formulae For Hair Related Disorders


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Kesha Soundarya Yogah This book explains about various formulations that are useful in hair related disorders. Some of these formulation are in practice among folklore practitioners. But they do not reveal those formulae which have accurate efficacy. Hence this book would be an ideal link between theory and practice. This book contains more than one hundred formulae exclusively for hair disorders.

Ayurvedia the science of life has two objectives-preserving the health in a healthy individual and cure of disease in a patient. These two objectives are explained as prajojona (utility) of Ayurveda. The body hair has its own importance in the beauty of a person. It has different texture, colour and shape depending up on the place, race and cult. The health of a person reflects in the condition of hair.

Indian civilisation has given importance to the health of the hair, processing of hair like hair cut etc and management of hair related disorders. In Ayurveda one can get reference regarding various disorders of hair like Khālitya, Palitya, Indralupta etc. Similarly there are reference about measure for hair growth, formulations to make hair black, shiny, thick and long. This the utility of ayurveda can be implemented to the subject of body hair.

Though there is explanation of body hair in the ayurveda, it is very difficult to get them in a single place. Some of the Ayurvedic books like Caraka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Astāñga Samgraha gave much importance to Aturasyavikara prasamana concept of hair in managment of hair related disorder. Other texts like Sarngadhara Samhita, Bhaisajya ratnavali etc. stress measure for black hair, hair growth and removal of unwanted hair. The knowledge hair problems will not be obtained if only one or two books are refferd. Hence a sincere attempt is made in this book to compile the available Ayurvedic explanation on body hair.

The initial part of this book explains about three major disorders of hair like Indralupta, Khaliya and Pālitya with symptom and treatment. In Hārīta samhitā, Indralupta cikitśa is explained based on the predominance of Dosa which is unique to the text. Middle half of the book has explanation of two disorders. Last part deals with some formulae for removal of unwanted hairs, combitions to make hair long and black. I hope the reader will get benefit from this book.


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