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New Instrumental Compositions for North Indian Music


Author Anil Mihiripenna
Publisher Indica Books
Language English
Edition -
ISBN 81-86569758
Pages -
Cover Paper Back
Size 14 x 2 x 22 (l x w x h)
Item Code IB0029
Other "Although many collections of ragadhari vocal compositions have been published over the years, there is a dearth of instrumental compositions. Hence, it has been the author's long-felt desire to bring out a collection of Gat o instrumental compositions in the north Indian musical tradition. The purpose of this book is to offer some support to both the teacher and the student. You will find here Gat composed for various types of instruments with different techniques of playing. There are compositions appropriate for stringed instruments (bowed and plucked) and for wind instruments. Thus, the compositions for sitar and sarod are basically in Mazith Khani and Raza Khani styles, while different Gat styles are employed for violin, esraj and flute. Anil Mihiripenna is a versatile and internationally recognized musician from Sri Lanka. "


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