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Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira Only Vol. 2


Author Prof. Dr. Yogesh Chandra Mishr
Publisher Chaukhamba Publications
Language Sanskrit & English
Edition 2021
ISBN 978-81-89798-91-0
Pages 741
Cover Paper Back
Size 14 x 4 x 22 (l x w x h)
Item Code CSP01091
Other Dispatched in 1-3 days

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Ayurvediya Kriya Sarira Only Vol. 2 The complete knowledge of normal attributes as well as activities of all the factors concerned to human body is essential for a person, who has selected the medical field as the mission of his life. Normalcy is health and its diversion is disease, generally known…nd described as dis = apart from the ease = easiness of the life. To abolish the ‘dis’ from disease and to establish the normalcy is the aim of medical science. Phisiolosy describes the normal functions of the internal and external organs (cell-tissues-organs, system etc.) and warns us to maintain these factors in their natural and normal condition.

It was felt that the works available in the field of Ayurvedīya kriyā śarīra does not quench the thirst of the learner of ayurveda, specially for those who are not well versed with Sanskrta and Hindi languages. As, the curiosity about Indian medical system (Ayurveda) is increasing day by day, in various developed as well as developing countries, the presentation of the well established facts regarding Ayuvedic physiology. which are abundantly scattered in Ayurvedic texts like Caraka, Suśruta, Kāśyapa etc. Samhitās, should be collected and presented before the scholars of present and future, was felt and thus the work came into existence. One important question in this reference arises that whether the Bhartiya knowledge is in the position to add anything and to share the world wide modern knowledge explosion specially in the field of medicine and health.

In the end of last century our nation awoke from a long slumber. Some of the great sons of Bharata, like Swāmī Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramtirtha etc. gave a violent jerk to the nation and asked to give up the political, economical and mental slavery. Swami Vivekananda was too much confident, when he called out insultingly to the world that realization of the heritage of Bharata in various fields like art, literature, philogophy etc. would definitely provide a huge amount of true knowledge of the world.”


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