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Dravyaguna Vijnana Set of 2 Vols.


Author Prof. D. S. Lucas
Publisher Chaukhambha Viswabharati
Language English
Edition 2022
ISBN 978-93-81301-30-2
Pages 1365
Cover Paper Back
Size 22 x 2 x 17 (l x w x h)
Item Code CVB0030
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Dravyaguna Vijnana Set of 2 Vols. Ayurveda, the Science of Life in as old as vedas. It is a science which advocates the maintenance of health and to relieve the sufferings of human being, which includes Śārira-physical body, ātma-spirituality, indria-sence organs and manas-mind. Ayurveda has many unique means to maintain health and relieve diseased conditions like herbal medicaments, mineral prepara- tions, pañcakarma, rasayana etc. To understand all these subjects one has to have a complete knowledge of the fundamental principles of the subjects. The classical texts on Ayurveda has divided the subject matter into eight parts or subjects, which are commonly known as Astängas. In these eight angas the subject of Dravyaguna has not been given a place, but every subject of aşātāngas deal with dravyaguna without dravyaguņa no anga will be a complete subject.

The mention of dravya is found fram the time of vedas, specially Rgveda and Atharvaveda. The use of dravya and their preparations are described in Samhitās. Later the Nighanțukāvās have described the dravya with their synonyms, properties and their uses from the time of Sanśruta Nighantu till the period of Bhāvaprakāśa. Narahari Pandita of Rajanighantu has quoted for the first time, the important of study of Dravya.

In the modern era, the authorities on the subject of Dravyaguna like Acārya Yadavji Trikamji, Shri Viswanath Dwivediji, Prof. P.V. Sharmaji and others have written texts on the basic concepts on Dravyaguna. Most of these works are mainly in Devanagari scripts. There are books in other regional language of our country. But There is a dearth for books in english language. Prof. P.V. Sharmaji, Dr. K.R. Srikanta Murthy, Principal (Retd.), Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bangalore and some others have written books in English and translated some of the classical books into english language.

The systematic study of Ayurveda was started by the Indian Medical Council Act. 1970, by the Government of India, Ministry of Health, New Delhi. Uniform courses were started all over India affiliated to different Universities. Syllabus on differ- ent subjects were framed by the Central Council of Indian Medicine, New Delhi, for the BAMS Course. For the study of Dravyaguna Vijñāna two parts are prescribed as Paper I, dealing with the Basic Principle on Dravyaguna and Paper II, consisting of the study of drugs including practicals. Most of the topics for the syllaus of Dravyaguna Vijñāna Part I are taken almost as it is from Dravyaguna Vijñāna Volume I of Prof. P.V. Sharmaji.


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