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Swami Karpatri Ji Major events of his life


Author K. M Aditi & Shree Vedanti Swami
Publisher Vedshastra Anusandhan Kendra
Language English & Hindi
Edition 1st edition, 2019
Pages 68
Cover Paper Back
Size 13 x 2 x 21 (l x w x h)
Item Code KJM0020
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Swami Karpatri Ji Major events of his life There are many types of saints or sages in India. Saints of one type are completely withdrawn persons detached from all worldly affairs. They are perfect examples of persons who have fully realized the values of living in complete solitude and in total detachment from the company of fellow men. Even when these sages are great personalities and are realized souls they come to little help so far as ordinary worldly men like us are concerned. For us they are beyond reach. We do not generally get from them the guidance we need in the matter of how to lead a dharmajivan how to live in such a way that both genuine prosperity (abhyudaya) and final fulfillment (nihsreyas) of life could be ensured. We get the needed help and guidance in this respect from another type of saints a second type of them.

These sages are also realized souls (or nearly so) and are otherwise equally capable of living a completely detached life in utter solitude. However, they prefer to live in society and in the midst of people like us not for their own benefit but for helping us the hapless men who are in need of guidance. Their life is dedicated to realizing the value of lokasmagraha through not just example of the life they lead but also by precept. They give us advice and teach us about the real meaning and purpose of human life in which the real and final fulfillment of life consists. They also tell us the way following which we can realize these goals. Karapartiji was a saint of this genre. These teacher saints again can be of two types, One type bases their teaching on the sure instinct and intuition. They do not refuse to mix with people or speak to them. They, however, teach us, in their non-scholarly way, the true goals of human life and means of realizing them.

We can wonder at and be spell bound by the depth and quality of their intuition, insight and wisdom relying on which they teach and guide people who come to them for help. Their profound wisdom and intuitive knowledge is manifested in the way they speak and live. However, the discerning few know their utterances convince us more because they carry the weight of their personality during their living presence. Away from them in time and space, when they are physically not around us to help us in understanding their utterances or message, we feel uncertain. It is easier to adore these people but not so easy to understand them or their sayings. Sometimes what they say is not fully intelligible at other times their teachings are deceptively simple. When we are under the spell of their living presence and hear them addressing us directly things appear too simple and easy.

Those who are discerning know that their teachings are only apparently easy to understand. Those are too simple to be safe (and not risky) guide for us who have only limited power of understanding. Though these saints are themselves genuine and sincerely intend to help us we often fail to be fully benefited. We betome familiar with their words which we untiringly repeat but we fail to be really transformed in the desired way because we are not capable of fully grasp the deeper meaning of those simple words. There is another group of teacher saints who are well read in shastras and have great flair for interpreting the abstruse texts that teach us the deep secrets of life and its mission in a way to be intelligible to us.


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