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Advance Dravyaguna The Materia Medica


Author Dr. Chandni Gupta
Publisher Chaukhambha Prakashan
Language Sanskrit & English
Edition 2018
ISBN 978-93-86735-64-5
Pages 176
Cover Paper Back
Size 14 x 4 x 22 (l x w x h)
Item Code CSSO0747
Other Dispatched in 1-3 days


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Advance Dravyaguna The Materia Medica It gives me immense pleasure to write a foreward to the “Advanced Dravyaguna” authorized by Dr. Chandni Gupta. The book is facilitating various modes of learning practices in Dravyaguna by considering attention to Dravyaguna and Ayurveda in current scenario. The book aptly presents a modern, lucid and concise account of advancement in the field of Dravyaguna Shastra. Most of the topics are explained in the form of tables, flow charts and diagrams to give clarity to the subject. Aushadha (a dravya) is one of the three pillar of all the eight branches of Ayurveda.

Dravyaguna is a branch which explains the properties and safe usage of treasure of dravya especially of plant origin. But in present scenario many advanced topics such as Nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, pharmacovigilance, pharmacogenomics, animal experiments etc. are incorporated in the field of Dravyaguna to make it more scientific and advanced. So this book is very helpful for all U.G, P.G and Phd students and for teachers also as it gives concise and to the point explanation of a topic. The author need to be congratu- lated for her pioneering venture and it is hoped that many more books in this area will be brought in function.


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