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Fundamentals of Kayacikitsa


Author Dr. M. Srinivasulu
Publisher Chaukhambha Sanskrit Series Office
Language English
Edition 2009
ISBN 978-81-7080-330-0
Pages 560
Cover Paper Back
Size 14 x 4 x 22 (l x w x h)
Item Code CSSO0756
Other Dispatched in 1-3 days


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Fundamentals of Kayacikitsa The present work provides a workable base of the understanding of basic concepts of Ayurveda. Starting with the concept, nature and background of principles, it takes up the various types, classifications and their definitions with related references being described. The special features of the book are:

It covers almost all fundamentals of kayachikitsa.

It covers the curriculum of undergraduate & post graduate courses in Ayurveda as a text book.

Useful not only for students but also for academicians & researchers.

Gives references with slokas at the end of each chapter.

Illustrated with more than 55 diagrams, tables and flow charts.

Detailed Index at the end for fast reference.

Study of modern medical science is for better understanding Ayurveda and to glorify its principles to the present world.

On these lines for better understanding the fundamentals of kayachikitsa, the texts have been elaborately narrated. The premier fundamentals of kayachikitsa like concept of Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, more specifically tridoshas and the concept of Samprapti, Ama, Avarana have been discussed in detail in light of present day science with academic and acquired experiences to navigate the students and scholars as well as researchers for their successful journey in the ocean of Ayurveda.

His long lasting exercise towards this laborious work is praiseworthy. His stupendous and scholastic vision in handling different chapters in this book is commendable. His quest of conserving the Ayurvedic terminology and his caution to nurture the classical technical terms is appreciable. He embarked on the logic that the subject should be primarily understood within the frame of Ayurvedic concepts. This book is useful for all Ayurvedists, right from student to a researcher. The quotation of several references at the end of every chapter reduces the burden on the reader from opening the original classics in the language of sanskrit.


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